Church Life Weekly Newsletter
Find pdf files of Church Life newsletters at the bottom of this page.
Mission statement: Grace United Methodist Church is a family of faith striving to share God’s love with all people.
October 21, 2024
“For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11
This past weekend, the United Women in Faith at Grace United Methodist Church hosted Career Day, an opportunity for young people to consider their future. Numerous tables were set up with individuals who answered questions about their line of work. Panelists came forward to share their personal stories of how and why they got into their respective professions. What truly touched my heart was witnessing “HOPE” being birthed. You could see a twinkle in the students’ eyes as they began to imagine what their future could look like.
Seeing people with hope reminded me that as Christians, we are called to be people of hope! We are to be people who have a twinkle in our eyes because of the wonderful promise that we eagerly look forward to receiving. While hope is exciting to see in young people, I find that as people get older, hope begins to shine less brightly. In fact, the mantra seems to become “it’s better not to get my hopes up, because I will be less disappointed if things don’t turn out well.” We mask our cynical thinking under the guise of wisdom and experience.
When Jesus said let the children come to me for theirs is the kingdom of God (Mk 10:14), I believe part of that childlike quality is how children get so excited about something good that they expect to happen! God wants us to have that same enthusiasm, no matter how difficult things might be. Scripture reminds us that God’s plans for our lives are to prosper and not to harm, to give us hope and a future (Jer 29:11). Weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning! (Ps 30:5). We have a God who is merciful and mighty, who is always “for us” and never “against us.” So keep your head up and don’t lose hope, knowing that something good is just around the corner!
Pastor Kim
Pictured are the Kim Family:
Prumeh Lee,Ye-Ari, Eumin, and Eli
Prayer List
♥†Family of Svetlana Hamlet, ♥Yeari Kim, ♥†Family of Helen Phillip, ♥♦Jasmin Whittaker, ♥All victims of Hurricanes Helene and Milton, ♥Charles and Edie Zipperlen, ♥Mary Flynn (mom) and Maureen Andersen (daughter), ♥Manny Kurz, ♥Cecil and Carol Walker (friends of Barbara Woodford), ♥Everol Palmer (son of Enid Simpson), ♥Carol Whyte, ♥Winston Scarlett (brother-in-law of Maudlyn Scarlett), ♥Jennifer LaRochelle (friend of Kim Neri), ♥David Biegler, ♥Michael Kurz, ♥Vin Dowling, ♥Juliana Bonds (sister of Eleanor Phillip), ♥Garvin Phillip (nephew of Eleanor Phillip), ♥Elaine Treske, ♥Marilyn Eller (sister of Elaine Treske), ♥Jim Poch, ♥All our Military men and women, ♥Barbara Siegl, ♥All UMW in Rehabilitation and Nursing Homes, ♥Iris Molina, ♥Olga Molina (sister of Iris Molina), ♥Milly Molina (sister of Iris Molina), ♥Evelyn Neber (friend of Elaine Treske), ♥ Missionaries.
Note: Prayer List names will continue to be listed for two weeks. After that period of time, the names will be removed unless you call us with current information. † – Death in family, ♦ – New entry
Improvements are being made to our livestream of the Sunday service.
One important change that has taken place is that we will no longer be using Zoom to livestream the Sunday service. Instead, we have switched to a brand-new YouTube channel that broadcasts the service live. (This switch took take place on Sunday, September 15th) For those who are familiar with our Facebook livestream, the changes will not affect you as we will simply add a link on the Facebook page that automatically brings you to the YouTube livestream. In the meantime, please subscribe to the channel by following the link below.
Sunday School
CHURCH SCHOOL BEGAN ON SEPTEMBER 8TH. It’s never too late to join us. My name is Janet Stone and I am writing to invite your child to join us for Church School each Sunday. Church School is where students will learn about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and how to live a Christian life. We learn Bible stories and we learn how to use those stories to help us be better people. All rising PreK-8th Grade students are welcome. Children start out in Church at 10:00 with their families and are sent to Church School following the Children’s Sermon. Please note that on the first Sunday of the month, children are directed to the Education Building first and then return to the church building in order to be with their family for communion. I am looking forward to a wonderful Church School year! Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns at ~Janet Stone
November 3, 2024
This week’s lesson comes from Exodus 15:1-21 The Song of Moses and Miriam. God acted in powerful ways to deliver the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. The story began with the saving of the baby who would be named Moses. When Moses was an adult, God called to him from a burning bush and sent him back to Egypt. In Egypt, God’s powerful acts eventually persuaded Pharaoh to set the Israelite slaves free. When Pharaoh changed his mind and sent his army after the Israelites, God intervened again and provided a way for the Israelites to cross the sea on dry land. God had freed the Israelites from slavery. Then it was time to praise God! Today’s Scripture contains two poems or songs remembering God’s mighty acts and praising God. The first poem is presented as a song of Moses. It is recognized as one of the oldest and most important poems in the Old Testament. The theme of the two poems is the power of God that resulted in victory over the oppressors and delivered the people of Israel to safety.
The first part of Moses’ song focuses on the defeat of Pharaoh’s army. We may not want to celebrate God as a militant commander who destroys those in God’s path. As always when reading the Bible, it is important to remember the context of the story. The Israelites had been enslaved for over four hundred years. They were recounting the acts of a powerful God who had freed them from oppression. The second poem in this Scripture is described as a song of Miriam, Moses’ sister.
This poem is a short three-line stanza. It directs the people to praise God. Miriam’s song is considered to be even older than the song of Moses and may have been composed soon after these remembered events occurred. The songs of Moses and Miriam celebrated God’s powerful acts, and they were reminders for the Israelites of God’s power. Today they are reminders for us.
Chancel Choir rehearsals are on Thursday evenings at 8:00pm in the church. Kimberly Neri will be leading the group until we find a church music director replacement. All Adults and Teens who like to sing are welcome to join!! If you have any questions, please email Kim at or call (516)644-0979.
Career Day. UWF hosted Career Day on Saturday, Oct. 19 in the church gym. Andrea Owen-Boyd, who is our Social Justice Coordinator, spear-headed the event. We had 11 panelists and 15 career tables. Emily Jones from the national UWF led us in a responsive prayer for children and youth. We also enjoyed a wonderful homemade lunch. Fifty people attended the event. We thank you for the huge outpouring of support for Career Day. Enjoy the photos from Career Day below.
United Women in Faith Update:
We had a wonderful United Women in Faith Sunday September 29. We thank Rev. Prumeh Lee Kim for delivering the Children’s Message and the Sermon. We were inspired by the story of Esther. Dr. Tonia Ukanwoke was presented with a UWF pin and certificate in honor of her seven years serving as our UWF President. See the attached picture from UWF Sunday. Five of us went to the United Women in Faith District Meeting Saturday, October 5 at Brooks Memorial UMC. Our Grace UWF vice president Andrea Owen-Boyd was elected Membership, Nurture, and Outreach Coordinator for the district, and Dr. Tonia Ukanwoke was elected Communications Coordinator for the district. We wish them well in their new positions and ask the Holy Spirit to guide them and bless them.
Please sign up for Coffee Hour, now known as FELLOWSHIP HOUR. There is a sign-up sheet in the Bert Keller Room. Please use the sign-up sheet in the BKR or call the Church Office.
Thank you to the UWF for hosting on Sunday, October 20, 2024. Thank you to Pat McKnight and Kim Neri for volunteering to host on Sunday, October 27, 2024. We still need a volunteer for November 10th!!
Give to Hurricane Disaster Relief through United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). We encourage you to give to UMCOR for Disaster Relief following hurricanes Helene and Milton. The link to the UMCOR giving page for hurricane relief is That link takes you right to giving for Advance #901670. When you type in your information, you will be able to choose Grace Valley Stream as your local church.
Pray for missionaries during their birthday week. This week’s names are Heath Jackson • Ibrahim Dabo • Kuriakose Tharian • Mary Rose M. Taliwaga • Mbwizu Ndjungu • Mikhail Chaudhury • Mitzi Sadler-Thorne • Renee Hayes • Roberta Boyd Bragan • Sam Ntamb Yav • Stephanie Suggs • Sung Lee • Young Kim
Meet missionaries on Zoom. The link to Register to meet missionaries on the Still In Mission monthly Zoom is The next Zoom will be November 7, and the missionaries will be Rose Raphael Msagati who is in Kenya and Charles Mulemena who is in Belize.
October is a Missions Giving Month. Please give to Missions this October. Just write Missions on the notation line on your check or Zelle, or write Missions on the outside of the envelope you drop in the plate. Your giving through Missions goes to Far Rockaway Mission, Anchor House, Methodist City Society, Brooklyn United Methodist Church Home, and El Porvenir (clean drinking water projects in Nicaragua). Thank you!
Fall Food Drive ~ As the weather turns cooler, we think of being thankful for all that we have and are inspired to give more to others. Grace Church will be collecting boxed or canned food items on November 3rd, 10th and 17th. All food donations will benefit Long Island Cares in Valley Stream. You may bring whatever boxed or canned items you’d like, or, if you wish you can participate in the Long Island Cares Adopt-A-Family Thanksgiving Program, which encourages you to donate all the items needed for a full family Thanksgiving meal. Information for that will be available on the table in the Narthex and will also be included in the Church Life email blast. However you’d like to contribute, please bring your donated items to one of the collection boxes in the Narthex and Education building no later than November 17th. Questions? See Janet Stone or call the Church Office 825-1182. Thank you!
Long Island Cares – This past spring, Long Island Cares opened the West Nassau Center for Food Assistance & Community Support at 241 Rockaway Avenue in Valley Stream. We have reached out to them and they are available to support any church and community members who may be in need of help. They are also willing to receive donations from Grace Church so our Fall Food Drive collections will be going there. If you are in need of food, personal or household care items or even pet food items, please know that you are welcome there. Families can also be assessed for additional support beyond food including referrals for SNAP, WIC, health insurance, emergency housing, utility assistance (HEAP) and other related programs. Flyers, in both English and Spanish will be on the table in the narthex and emailed out to all church members. If you need more information about Long Island Cares in Valley Stream you can call 516-980-9100 or email Help is available if you need it.
LAY SERVANT TRAINING. At the Church Council meeting we spoke about the opportunity for our leaders to be more equipped to handle our various roles. The adjacent flier is being used to promote the laity training that educates and empowers to serve as laity leaders in our church. A number of us have gone to the training over the years and may attest to its relevance. It also gives us a chance to meet other laity from other churches. Andrea Owen Boyd
The Thrift Shop is using our new space, room 4, as our donation and storage center which will enable us to better manage donations and distribution of new items. We are hoping to have a strong fall season and exceed our revenue expectation. Our most pressing need remains finding volunteers. We pray for God’s guidance as we continue this ministry.
MISSIONS – January/April/July/October 2024
HUMAN RELATIONS DAY – January 14, 2024
UMCOR SUNDAY – March 10, 2024
EASTER – March 31, 2024
CHRISTMAS EVE – December 24, 2024 (Tuesday)
CHRISTMAS DAY – December 25, 2024
CALENDAR – If you have any dates that you would like to have on our calendar, please send them to me at The meetings could be weekly, monthly or just a special meeting or event. Thank you.
October 20 – Everett Fitch
October 27 – Debbie Nicosia
November 03 – Pershad Team 1
November 10 – Pershad
November 17 – Nicosia
November 24 – Fitch
Where You Can Volunteer
Liturgist or Reader – Contact Pat Eshun
Sunday School – Contact Janet Stone
Evangelism – Contact Andrea Owen-Boyd
Thrift Shop – Contact Andrea Owen-Boyd or Maudlyn Scarlett
Music – Leave a message for the Music Ministry Office (516/825-1940)
Missions – Contact Katherine Perkins
Worship – Contact Kim Neri or Carol Provenzano
Acolytes – Contact Tim Neri or or Mike Provenzano
Ushers – Contact Mike Provenzano or Carol Provenzano
Counting Team – Contact Marisa Pershad or Eileen Robertson
Hospitality – Contact Bob DiSalvo
Greeters – Contact Naomi Brown or Carol Provenzano
(Please call Eileen if you need contact information – 516/825-1182)
Weekly Meetings and Rehearsals
Please note whether meetings are in-person at the church or via Zoom. Thank you.
*Every Sunday – Church School 10AM/start in Church (except 1st Sunday of the month start 10AM/Education Building)
*Every Second Sunday of the month – Healing Prayer Service after Church/Chapel (Starting October 13, 2024)
*Fourth Sunday of every month – United Women in Faith (no UWF meeting in July and August)
*Every Wednesday – Bible Study 7:30PM-8:30PM/Zoom (Same Zoom Link every week)
*Every Thursday – Westminster Ringers 7PM
*Every Thursday – Chancel Choir 8PM/Church
*Every Saturday – Prayer Meeting 8AM/Zoom (Same Zoom Link every week)
*Every Saturday – Thrift Shop 10AM-2PM
Upcoming Events
*Saturday, November 2, 2024 – Nursery School Sale 10AM-2PM/Nursery School
Upcoming Meetings
*Saturday, November 9, 2024 – Charge Conference at St. John’s/10AM
*Saturday, November 9, 2024 – Eagle Scout Court of Honor (Luke Lopez)/Gym
*Tuesday, November 12, 2014 – Board of Trustees 7:30PM/BKR (Teams Meeting Link is optional)
*Sunday, December 8, 2024 – Church Council Meeting after the 10AM Service
*Tuesday, January 14, 2025 – Board of Trustees 7:30PM/BKR (Teams Meeting Link is optional)